
This is the comprehensive list of […]

dmathis1 PURCHASED
4 years ago
This is the comprehensive list of errors described by lint, When you open the packaged after unzipping, I opened index.html , and described the line, column and the error/warning.
I am able to clean up some of the errors, but not the errors referencing  example - line 140.

<a href="#top" class="btn btn-link btn-icon header-btn float-right d-lg-none" data-toggle="off-canvas" data-target=".navbar-main" data-settings='{"cloneTarget":true, "targetClassExtras": "navbar-offcanvas"}'> <i class="fa fa-bars"></i> </a>

It is complaining about   '{ , asking for double quotes for [data-settings].
Problem is how to escape the { curly brackets which are action like groupings? This happens immediately after opening/unzipping the package.