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I did not bought this theme yet since I […]

4 years ago
I did not bought this theme yet since I am still exploring. In the process I found two of potential bugs.

#1 The first potential bug on line 463 in _menu.scss.
There is breakpoint on 801px, where .offcanvas-collapse padding is changed to 0 and I think it should happen on 991px breakpoint. Now, as it is, it causes no padding for mobile navigation between 800 and 991px

#2 Another potential bug is related to dropdown. On desktops, when you click on Sections in navigation and then if you slowly start moving cursor to dropdown menu, just right before you achieve dropdown menu box, the box will dissapear. It should be fixed by overwriting or removing "margin: .125rem 0 0;" on Bootstrap .dropdown-menu class.

Really nice theme :) GJ @WeBoth
4 years ago
Hello there!

Thank you so much for noticing the issue for us. We do appreciate that, mate! Sure we will put that in note and fix them on the next update. :)