
Popovers are not working

micha2409 PURCHASED
9 months ago
As you can see on your own preview-page (https://agmstudio.io/themes/material-style/3.1.0/component-tooltip.html), the popovers are not working at all...
Tooltips do work but those are not at the described and expected position (left, right, bottom).

I upgraded from an earlier version (2019) to v3.0 and yesterday to 3.1. But in both of the latest versions, those UI Elements don't work.

Please let me/us know how to fix those issues - in my case especially for the "popovers".
Thanks, Michael


EDIT 2023-07-27
If I ad "bs-" to the "data-" attributes it works fine. Here's an example:
<span data-bs-html="true" data-bs-container="body" data-bs-toggle="popover" data-bs-trigger="hover" data-bs-placement="bottom" data-bs-content="Some content..." data-bs-original-title="Title...">Show Popover on Bottom</span>

Last edited 9 months ago