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I have not tried it, but try the […]

omadmin SELLER
3 years ago
I have not tried it, but try the following script:

const currentLinkParents = currentLink => {
let target = currentLink
let parent = []
while (target) {
// Get only nav-link
if (target.classList.contains('nav-item')) parent.unshift(target.querySelector('.nav-link'))
// Stop on treeview
if (target.classList.contains('treeview')) break
target = target.parentNode
return parent
const updateMenu = currentLink => {
document.querySelectorAll('#menu .active').forEach(i => i.classList.remove('active', 'show'))

for (const i of currentLinkParents(currentLink)) {
i.classList.contains('treeview-toggle') && i.classList.add('show')
updateMenu(document.querySelector(`#menu a[href="${window.location.pathname.split('/').pop()}"]`))

make sure its menu using id = "menu"
<ul class="nav treeview mb-4" id="menu" data-accordion>
3 years ago

It almost works! It sets active on all the menus (Main, sub) but not on the actual link.

So if I have for example the following menu:

Menu 1
Submenu 1.1

Then Menu 1 and Submenu 1.1 is active and expanded, but the actual LinkToPage is not set to active. Have tried to fix it, but can't figure it out. Javascript is NOT my strong point. Please let me know if you can find a solution?
3 years ago
Found the solution. For anyone else that needs this to work, just add the following after the call to updateMenu():

document.querySelector(`#menu a[href="${window.location.pathname.split('/').pop()}"]`).classList.add('active');

This will mark the current page in the menu as "active", and thus selected/highlighted.