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Gulp, yarn, restore dependencies

8 months ago
Hi there,

I am trying to stand up the new template and having some issues with gulp/yarn. Here's what I did:

1. Opened powershell
2. Installed node.js via `winget install OpenJS.NodeJS` (v.20.5.1)
3. Restarted powershell so I have npm in my path
4. Executed `npm install gulp -g`
5. Restarted powershell again, just in case

Now when I open powershell, I can run npm but if I call `yarn` it's not a registered command. I actually don't understand much about this since it's not a common workflow I use in standard MVC apps.

I am running the command from ./admin folder (where gulpfile.js is). What am I missing? Is there another command missing to install yarn in addition to Gulp?

EDIT: Nvm, that was it after all. Maybe in the just throw that one extra line in there to run `$ npm install yarn -g` and it'll help someone else ;)

Last edited 8 months ago

Coderthemes SELLER
8 months ago

We use gulp for assets bundling & scss compiling. You need `npm` and `yarn` installed on your computer, to run gulp.

Please check the documentation for installation.

Let me know if you have any queries over support(at)coderthemes(dot)com.

Best regards,