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Poppins font reference?

8 months ago

I was comparing my instance of minton to the demo template and noticed the fonts looks a bit different.

Upon comparison, I see that my version is using

--bs-font-sans-serif: system-ui,-apple-system,"Segoe UI",Roboto,"Helvetica Neue",Arial,"Noto Sans","Liberation Sans",sans-serif,"Apple Color Emoji","Segoe UI Emoji","Segoe UI Symbol","Noto Color Emoji";

Whereas the template online is using the following.

--bs-font-sans-serif: "Poppins",sans-serif;

I see in devtools this is coming from bootstrap.min.css and I am wondering where the difference is coming from. Is there any documentation on how to ensure we pull in the right web font? Or how to protect any customization from being disrupted if we upgrade packages later?
Coderthemes SELLER
8 months ago

It's not coming from bootstrap. We declared and used font at `Admin/src/assets/scss/config/corporate/_variables-custom.scss`.

Please take a look at this scss file. There you can also change your font family.

Let me know, if you have any queries at support(at)coderthemes(dot)com

Best regards,