
Respected Thank you for your purchased […]

Themesbox17 SELLER
4 years ago
Hi, Respected sir

Thank you for your purchased,

1. Possible to have the left hand vertical menu on the right side, but not RTL?
Answer : Not Possible right now.

2. Possible to have the left hand vertical menu on the right side, but where only just the left hand menu is RTL?
Answer : Not Possible right now.

3. Possible to set/change the admin's top area/menu's background color, built in?
Answer : You can change background color via customizing custom_topbar.sccs file.

4. Possible to switch between the top horizontal menu and the left vertical menu in a settings switch?
Answer : Not Possible right now.

5. Can left menu icon click open the left menu with just icons menu displayed? Then open regular text menu on the left menu hover like on the larger screens?
Answer : Not Possible right now.

6. Could there be a close button in the left menu on mobile? We could add one, but just asking. For those screens that are
small enough to have left menu cover close button on menu open.
Answer : Not Possible right now. We can fixed it into our next update.

Thank you
- Best Regards