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I'm expecting a bug which can possibly […]

5 years ago

I'm expecting a bug which can possibly come from the theme.

I'm using the signup page and puting my form, and the phone_number field is taking a style totaly diffrent from the other fields. After analyzing the CSS in the inspector, the input field_type["tel"] don't inherit from the signin-page class and keep the form-control class from Bootstrap.

I'm on Rails 5.2 and using simple_form for generating form. Everything works, except the style of this tel field.
Here is the generated HTML :
<input class="form-control string tel required" required="required" aria-required="true" name="user[phone_number]" id="user_phone_number" type="tel">

Do I am missing something or is there a fix for this bug ?
Execpt that, this theme is very great ! Awesome documentation and templates ! :-).
Thanks for your help.
5 years ago
Hi Anthony,

Very sorry for the late late response! I think the issue here is that on the _sign_in.scss file, on line #34, there are styles for only 3 input types (text, email and password), and the input[type="tel"] is missing. If you add it, it should work as expected :)