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I can't get "logo-collapse" class to […]

alexjlewis PURCHASED
6 years ago
Hi there.
I can't get "logo-collapse" class to make any change to the logo. When the navbar collapses the logo stays the same. Is this a known error? Can you explain which code triggers this class to be active?

<a class="navbar-brand" href="#page-top">
<span class="logo"><img src="path/to/logo.png" alt=""></span>
<span class="logo-collapse"><img src="path/to/collapsed-logo.png" alt=""></span>

Many thanks.
6 years ago
When the logo collapses it replaces the image in the .logo class with the new image in the .logo-collapse class. You would need to change the collapsed-logo.png to a different file. If this isn't working we can look into it further!