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Just downloaded my purchase today, and […]

8 years ago

Just downloaded my purchase today, and started doing basic modifications... find it great already... and the indent style makes it very easy to edit. Congrats for a great job !

I am now a bit stuck trying to replace the "Velocity" text in the logo section.

Replacing with another text is easy of course, but I'd like to place a 'real' logo there (I'm free to use either gif/png/svg) I mean not just text but an image... What would be the best way to do that ?

Best regards,
8 years ago
Hi there,

Thanks for purchasing the theme.

Re: I'd like to place a 'real' logo there (I'm free to use either gif/png/svg) I mean not just text but an image... What would be the best way to do that ?

I guess the best way to do that is to use a background image on <span class="text">Velocity</span> as the logo. When the page is scrolled a "scrolled" class will be added to <header> which you can use to manipulate the background image.
8 years ago

Thanks it worked. I replaced the <span class="text">Velocity</span> by my logo using <span style="width: 173px; height: 55px; background-image: url('malogo2.png'); display:block" /span>.
I now have a little quirk that I can't get rid off: the logo is 'justified' differently whether the "navbar-fixed-top" region is scrolled or not (top when the page loads, then botton when it's scrolled) which makes the logo jump up and down when scrolling...
That probably will look obvious to you, but I haven't been able to figure out how to make it stick to the top of the container in all cases... Can you suggest a way to do that ?

Best regards,
8 years ago
Hi cmar42,

Unfortunately client-specific customisation is out side of the scope of the theme support. I hope you understand. Perhaps get a local front-end developer to take a look for you?
