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I purchased this template some weeks […]

9 years ago

I purchased this template some weeks ago (before signing up to wrapbootstrap, so there will be no purchased logo on this comment).

This template has a very beautiful and appealing design.

However, below the surface, things are quite sloppily organized:
- some strange use of css class constructs
- no documentation, not even inline in comments
- no references to third party components (at the time I purchased it). I had to figure it out myself.
I am missing an overview of all the licenses in the third party components so that I can check for myself that it is safe to use this template on my homepage. I had to check it myself after figuring out the references.
- the contact form is simply not working. I checked the code and saw that the author simply forgot to implement it. The contact form is a fake.

If you want to make some more changes to this template and have a working contact form then you need to have more expertise. It is usable and adaptable for experts but not for the normal folks out there.

Authentic Goods Co.
9 years ago
Thank you for the nice comments.
The contact form is designed that way on purpose. It's a Front-end design theme, no back-end development.
The links to all of the 3rd party plugins are on the details page. The CSS was created that way to make it very customizable.

Please let me know if you have any issues, thank you.