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Thank you for update to angular 8! […]

4 years ago
Hi Flag,

thank you for update to angular 8!!!
Great work!

Can you short briefly explain to me how I can
upgrade my project to angular 8?
themicon SELLER
4 years ago
Hi, thanks for the feedback.

Most of the changes made in the last version are related to the necessary to make the project compatible with Angular8. What I mean, is that there are some changes inherent to how angular works from one version to another, you can check here for reference:
Anyway, my recommendation is to take your project and compare against the last update using a comparison tool (winmerge, beyondcompare or kaleidoscope) and apply changes accordingly.

What I usually do when I update to major versions of a framework is to create a new empty project with that new version (with ng new) and then compare the differences to understand what have changed, and what I have to change, then when I have an understanding of the update process, I proceed to do it manually. Of course, while doing the update some errors may arise but in most cases I can they are related to plugin updates, package names changed or paths references.

Hope this helps