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Love the theme, been using it for a few […]

6 years ago
Hello, love the theme, been using it for a few years now. I just noticed an error in the console that I never notice before, I will paste it below.

mixitup.min.js:16 Uncaught Error: [MixItUp] An invalid selector or element reference was passed to the mixitup factory function
at e (mixitup.min.js:16)
at vitality-mixitup.js:3

How would I go about fixing this?
6 years ago
It looks like your ID or class names on the portfolio have change and they are colliding with the plugin jQuery in the vitality JS file. Check the class names and ID's in the vitality.js script that activates mixitup and then look at your portfolio grid and make sure everything matches. If you aren't using the portfolio grid at all, then you can go into the vitality.js file and delete the activation script for that plugin. Hopefully this helps!