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I'm using your vortex Wordpress Theme […]

5 years ago
Hi, I'm using your vortex Wordpress Theme.
On one of my pages I'm using the slider (page header settings - Type)

Could you tell me how I change the speed of the slides? it could save me a lot of time of searching through JS Files

Double Theme
Double Theme SELLER
5 years ago

Open the file "<theme_folder>/assets/js/custom.js" and go to line 101 in which such code is "play: 10000".
This is the speed of the slides in milliseconds.

Please note that the theme uses a different file named "custom.min.js".

You can change the speed value in the file "custom.js" and minify it yourself.
Or you can use the file "custom.js", for this, follow these steps:
1) In the root folder of the theme, open the file "functions.php";
2) Go to line 86;
3) Replace "custom.min.js" with "custom.js".

Thank you!